Devil in Duke's Clothing
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Innocence lost. Paradise found. Maggie York, a convent-raised foundling, knows the Duke of Dunwoody's sexual tastes are a shade or two darker than most, but marries him anyway -- partly because she has no other prospects and partly because, try as she might, she can't seem to stop fantasizing about her dashing rake of a guardian. Two years ago, something she saw him do lured her from the garden of innocence into the orchard of fleshly desires--and she's been hungry for more ever since. Robert Armstrong, the duke, is a Roman Catholic whose extreme devotions as a boy colored his passions as a man. He's also a slave to the times in which he lives--and to his king. Everything he is, everything he holds dear, depends upon staying in Charles II's good graces. Unfortunately, Maggie isn't who the king wanted Robert to marry. Now, to make amends, the duke must either whore his wife or be reduced to a penniless and unprotected commoner at a time when those of his faith are feared and hated throughout Great Britain. Whose interests will the duke choose to protect?
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2015
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 150537622X
    • ISBN13: 9781505376227

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