Death Squad
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    1940's-1950's WWII (1939-1945) 20th Century
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The Phoenix Program, a CIA operation to prowl the jungles of South Vietnam to locate those officials and village headmen who’ve transferred their allegiance to the communists. Those who betray their own countrymen to the enemy for reward, and in return the CIA repay them with the ultimate sanction. Carried out by the death squads of the Phoenix Program.The team led by former infantryman Paul Farrell is handed a new mission. Another ultimate sanction, but this time with a difference. The target is a prisoner inside Hanoi, the capital of North Vietnam. He is no South Vietnamese traitor, but an American Air Force officer with an encyclopedic knowledge of North Vietnamese missile systems, and more importantly how the bomber crews can combat them. A man whose skills and expertise can save the lives of hundreds of aircrews. Or in the hands of the communists, give them the means to shoot down even more aircraft.Captured alive when his aircraft was shot down over Hanoi, the officer faces torture at the hands of a feared interrogator of the Ministry of State Security. A colonel determined to force him to reveal the secrets of American technical, tactical, and strategic know-how. The CIA and senior Pentagon officials believe escape is impossible, and decide to eliminate him. They send Farrell’s four-man team to infiltrate North Vietnam to carry out the hit. He and one other are determined to fight to the last breath to save the imprisoned officer. The other two are equally determined to carry out the orders laid down by the CIA and the Pentagon and kill him. As well as Farrell should he get in the way.This is a story of a Black Operation that takes place inside North Vietnam at the height of the Vietnam war. A violent story of duty and betrayal, a harrowing journey across North Vietnam. A struggle to survive against enemies both known and unknown. And for one man, a battle to retain his pride and honor. Along with his humanity, in a country where the very concept of humanity has become meaningless.A full-length novel by the bestselling author of many Spec Ops books. These include the popular SEAL Team Bravo stories, Heroes of Afghanistan, Raider, Echo Six, and Devil's Guard titles.
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