Dark Moon, Lost Lady
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Katie Hume's first indication that something was wrong with her identical twin sister Nyx was the unsigned postcard that arrived in the morning mail. Nyx had finally found the love affair of a lifetime -- and then vanished without a trace. Now the only hope of finding Nyx was for Katie to assume her identity...

When they were young children, Katie and Nyx would delight in confusing friends and relatives by assuming one another's identity. But that was years ago, and Katie wasn't sure that she could pull off their favorite old trick all by herself. And besides, to take on her sister's identity this time, Katie would need to deceive the man who loved Nyx. He was the only man who could help solve the mystery--and he was the only man ever to steal her heart!

A missing sister and a mysterious European castle led Catherine Hume into a spiderweb of suspense, suspicion…and sudden romance


Katie and her sister Nyx were as close to each other as two human beings can possibly be.

When Nyx disappeared from Schloss Stelleberg, the legendary castle in Germany -- disappeared after her joyful discovery of romance and a fabulously happy future -- it was up to Katie to find her. But the evil net that has ensnared Nyx was lurking in wait for Katie, too, and made doubly dangerous by its first vicious triumphs.

And there was heartbreak in store as well as peril, because the only man who could help Katie was one who loved her sister desperately -- so that triumph for Katie might mean personal tragedy as well…

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    • Oct-1986
    • Zebra
    • Mass Market Paperback
    • ISBN: 0821719181
    • ISBN13: 9780821719183

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