Companion of Evil
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Unwilling to accept her parents' choice of a husband, beautiful Estrellita de Peralta fled to the obscurity of companion-teacher to tomboy Jane Scott, whose brother Wayne wanted her to become a “lady.” At Borrunco Grande, their fortress-size mansion deep in the Santa Fe mountains, Estrellita found that she, along with everyone else, was being held virtually a prisoner. But who were the captor and who the captives.

Wayne Scott, enigmatic and aloof, whose growing interest in Estrellita appeared to be the wrong reason…

Jason Scott, his father, a strange man with even stranger friends…

Jane Scott, who always wanted to be a boy -- until she met…

Doane Jeffers, Wayne's old college chum, whose presence took on a new meaning to Estrellita one explosive night…

The Alexanders, whose position as servants was out of keeping with their bearing and background…

Trapped in a sinister house that rumbled with hidden violence, Estrellita fought for her life against the shadowy forces of evil, never knowing who her enemy was until it was almost too late…
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