Codename W Book Two
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Oh lord, Bessie keeps getting in trouble. Every time she does, it brings her closer to her mortal enemy, Xavier. There’s a problem – the nearer she gets, the less she hates him.But she has every reason in the world to hate – and fear – Kane. He won’t leave her alone. He’ll tear apart the city to get to her – and anyone stupid enough to get in his way.But Xavier Kilmer is not stupid. Nor is he the kind of vampire you toy with.As Bessie is thrust further into the secrets of her powers and the ghost realm, the mysteries between her and Xavier grow deeper. And at their murky depths, feelings start to grow.….A light romance urban fantasy, Codename W follows a journalist and her fated vampire fighting through a shadowy city to solve even darker crimes. If you love your fiction with action, heart, and a splash of romance, grab Codename W Book Two today and soar free with an Odette C. Bell series.Codename W is the 2nd Your True Vampire series. In a world where vampires know their true love at first sight, love brings trouble. Packed with action, wit, humor, and a dash of romance, you can read them separately, so plunge in today.
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