Coco's Story
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How does a woman end up as cold and calculating as Coco Baxter, ready to sell Christmas Key and do away with the only home her daughter has ever known?

Growing up in Miami, Coco Baxter was a sweet little girl with a life of luxury and two loving parents. That should have been enough. But family secrets, betrayals, and disappointments have left her hardened and on a path of self-destruction. At sixteen, Coco is angry and looking for new ways to get under her parents' skin. But will the shoplifting, older boys, and her out-of-control behavior teach her parents a lesson, or will Coco be the one to get schooled?

Coco's Story is a companion novella to the Christmas Key series. It offers the reader a chance to see what Coco's life was like before the island, and how her choices and relationships made her the woman that Holly and the other islanders love to hate. It can be read at any point in the series!
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