Certain Rich Girls
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    Contemporary Romance
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Here is a big, highly-charged novel of three young women of the 1970's facing the emotional dilemma's of careers and contemporary love in a power-hungry world. The three girls, close friends to each other but mavericks to their classmates at one of the East's most affluent prep schools, grow up through the adventurous, exploratory years of the 1960's and -- courted by power, fueled by ambition -- become members of that restless sorority of new women in the 1970's for whom the answers of the past are not enough.

Allegra Simon, a sultry, brooding beauty who learns early how to have her way with men, except for the one she wants most -- her best friend's father…

Christina Terhune, introduced to sex at thirteen by the lovers of her famous show business mother, caught up in an explosive rivalry with her stepmother for her millionaire father…

Marianna Ellis, whose talent and drive lift her from poverty to success, but whose mistakes along the way nearly destroy all she has built…
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