Caught Up Luvin' a Beast 3
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In the end of part two, no one expected to find out that Stella's ex was the one who violated Shaniece, but did Stella know? How could she not tell her he was involved? Arnold wanted some answers too, but when Stella stood there quiet, he had no choice but to believe she knew what Collin did. Arnold couldn't deal with her being deceitful and reverted to being single; leaving Stella pregnant and alone. Reggie saw first hand how much of a hard time his girl was having and vowed to find the man soon, so she could stop being paranoid and sleep better. Unfortunately, when he goes to the place he assumes Collin is, he stumbles across another secret that his baby mama Judy was hiding. When he comes face to face with it, disappointment and anger takes over, which will leave people begging for their life. Promise has committed the ultimate betrayal in Hurricane's eyes. Not only was it revenge but she'd done it with her ex. Janice sees what happened as a way into his life to try and take her spot, but Sydney is still lurking around as well; looking for a way back to him. All he wants to do now, is run his club, and move on, but can he do that when Promise owns his heart? No matter how much he tries to get away from her something continues to drive them closer together. Will the two of them ever find true love, or is it better to leave well enough alone? Find out if Promise leaves or if her getting caught up luvin a beast is worth sticking around.
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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2017
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1544604475
    • ISBN13: 9781544604473
    • Dec-2016
    • Leo Sullivan Presents
    • eBook (Kindle)

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