Carnival World (Episode 2)
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Come along for the ride of your life....

For six teens and one young boy, an innocent ride at a summer carnival becomes a harrowing trip into another dimension where everything they've ever known has been destroyed and everyone they've ever loved are gone. Now they have to travel a road through a harsh and unreal world where mutated creatures hunt them and a mysterious man with an ugly scar dogs their every move. Guided by the Barker in their dreams, they each must face their past enabling them to perform a task in the present that will help them find a way home. Every game played is a piece closer to solving the puzzle.

After a harrowing night battling mutated dogs, the group gather supplies from the graveyard of vehicles forgotten in the parking lot and move on toward town. Just when they think there is no hope, they stumble across an old motel that is open for business. Run by a sweet old couple, the group are lulled into thinking rescue is possible.

Until the unthinkable happens and Sam is the one doing the rescuing…
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