Burning Daylight
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With Joe Kent in jail, and off Kent Mountain for good, Neal Marchal finds herself facing exciting new possibilities.
Except for a couple speed bumps on the highway of life. Remember that 4-man band Neal and Truly were in? It becomes a duo when Sonny and the drummer leave to join the Woodhicks. Scrambling to create an act for a benefit show draws Neal and Truly closer but if they expect the State to award Neal's guardianship to the Lamberts, it must remain a purely platonic relationship. But that's the last thing either of them wants.

A cable television program takes up the cause of Joe's supposed wrongful incarceration so there's nonstop coverage of Joe and Shannon's death on television every afternoon at 5. The Kents will do anything to get Joe released. How far does anything go? You know the Kents. They're crazy mean.

Truly behaves the way he always does, dragging everyone along behind him. This time he's planning for the future-early graduation from high school, early acceptance into college, Neal's surgery to correct the damage done to her leg when Joe pushed her under the tractor. And on top of this schedule Tru wants to make a music video of the song they co-wrote, Burning Daylight.

This is the decision that changes their lives in ways Neal and Truly could never imagine. For good or ill, there will be no going back.

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The Bad Apple Series:
Bad Apple
Bad Apple2--Burning Daylight
Bad Apple3--Rise
All available now
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