Blondeva's Boys
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In the fictitious small town of Nona, Alabama, Blondeva Turner is known for three things: her bluntness, her baking, and her boys. Alongside her husband, she raised four sons, but her baby has always been her heart.Unlike his successful siblings, Isaac failed in college, failed in marriage, and failed to answer God's call on his life. Twenty-five years ago, he moved from Nona to escape the constant reminders of his many mistakes, including the one that sent the woman he loved into the arms of another man.Isaac left home with no intent to return, but Blondeva's prayers (and ploys) have lured him back to the hometown of his heartbreak. He's come to renovate his parents' home, but Isaac is the one who's in for a total makeover--heart, mind, and soul. But before the victory, comes the fight. And the devil messed with the wrong one when he chose one of Blondeva's Boys.
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