Blame It On His Gangsta Luv 3
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Now that Tasheem had found out her son may be alive, she will stop at nothing to find the truth, even if it means teaming up with the person who hates her the most. After hearing Lori admit to setting up the ambush with her cousin, Tone, Yariah decides she’s heard enough and takes matters into her own hands. Unfortunately, it’s at a high cost, and Caleek will do anything possible to save her. With Tarshay still out there, Bongi decides to stay away from Aphrodite, hoping to keep his ex from causing any more harm. However, with him and Ro in a fresh relationship, they couldn’t be away from each other too long. The time will come for Bongi to confront Tarshay, but at what cost? Will she learn to respect his life, or will he have to take hers? Amara is forced to make a decision when it comes to her marriage. Not knowing what to do, she tried her best to stay away, but Cazi isn’t giving her the time she needs. The situation is devastating, yet she has to make a choice. In the final installment, will these couples make it, or will one, if not all, go their separate ways to avoid any more drama?
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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2022
    • Sullivan Group Publishing, LLC
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1648541135
    • ISBN13: 9781648541131

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