Billionaire Baby Daddy
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My baby daddy is NYC's most eligible bachelor â€" and no one knows. Sexy, powerful and charming â€" the world loves Alistair Sinclair. I did too. Five years ago. But our fiery passion couldn't change his cold attitude or arrogant demands â€" so I left. I didn't know what he'd left me with, but when I found out…I was even more determined. I didn't want my baby girl growing up under her Daddy's hard expectations. Until now. Five years later and struggling alone â€" I can't live with the secret anymore. I have to tell him. I have to give him the chance to know his little girl. But I won't go back to him. I won't fall for that sexy smile, the impish suggestions and whispered promises. I won't make that mistake twice â€" and things are different now. I'm a Mommy. And he's…a Daddy. What I don't count on? He sees his daughter and melts. And suddenly… I'm wanting things I've stopped letting myself think about. A family. A Daddy. A man â€" touching me, kissing me, driving me to my knees and setting my body on fire. Reminding me that I'm more than just a Mom. It's impossible. It can't end well. We already crashed and burned once. And appearing on a billionaire's arm with a four-year-old kid in front of NYC's elite? Yeah, everyone is out to get us. So why am I falling so hard, so fast â€" when I already know how this will end? Billionaire Baby Daddy is a full, standalone romance with a sexy billionaire hero and a fierce, independent heroine. No cheating or cliffhangers, and a Happily Ever After guaranteed. Includes bonus content!
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    • Aug-2017
    • Independently published
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1521975892
    • ISBN13: 9781521975893

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