Bear and Square
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    Paranormal Dating Agency - 38
    Paranormal Dating Agency Universe
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    Paranormal Romance
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Famous Hollywood actress, Paige Kirby, is sick of the limelight. Can't a woman eat a donut without the tabloids snapping her picture? No matter how hard she tries, Paige can't outrun the paparazzi. They always find her. After a narrow escape, Paige meets Gerri Wilder, who recommends Bear Paw Protection. A vacation with a well-paid bodyguard might be just the ticket to happiness. And she won't focus on the gorgeous hunk guarding her no matter how hard it is.Bear shifter Dev Weaver's latest assignment didn't go so well. All he wants to do is lick his wounds and play his guitar. He doesn't want to babysit another high-strung starlet - even if it would mean a free trip to Hawaii. He has no choice. Gerri Wilder, an old friend of his sleuth, specifically recommended him to Paige Kirby. The bodyguard has no option but to guard a body he'd rather not notice. A beautiful, curvy body he really doesn't want to notice.Because Paige isn't just some spoiled actress - she's his fated mate, and someone is tracking her every move. Dev is on the case. But could an old enemy of his be the real threat? Time will tell. He just needs to keep Paige alive to see where their romance goes. Hopefully not before their luck runs out.
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    • Jan-2022
    • Latin Goddess Press, Inc.
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