Awesome Dawson, It's Not Your Turn!
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Dawson is happy whenever he gets to go first, see first, and be first. But he sure struggles when he has to wait his turn!This is the story of a young boy who discovers that when he practices patience, waits his turn, and shares with others, he shows everyone just how awesome he can be!    Dawson’s journey has many ridiculous twists and turns. When he’s not first in line for a bubble gum ice cream cone, he has a meltdown. When he gets stuck behind the crowd at the gorilla habitat, he goes wild. When he can’t be line leader at school, he wails and whines. If he’s not going first, being first, or seeing first, he has epic tantrums.With guidance from a caring teacher and his understanding parents, Dawson learns how to be more patient, kind, fair, and, ultimately, even more awesome!With playful rhymes and illustrations, Awesome Dawson, It Is NOT Your Turn! is an amusing tale about learning how to share and take turns. A special tips page written specifically for parents and educators offers valuable suggestions on helping children stretch their patience muscle and strengthen their self-control.Awesome Dawson, It’s Not Your Turn! is the first storybook in award-winning author Julia Cook’s new Awesome Dawson book series, written for young readers in grades PreK-5.
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    • First Edition
    • Boys Town Press
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1944882936
    • ISBN13: 9781944882938

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