Atahualpa's Hoard
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In Panama 1524, a plot was hatched by Spanish conquistadors to relieve a South American empire of its wealth. Three men had become aware of letters which described a civilisation of enormous riches in the inaccessible, undiscovered south. This epic journey of discovery eventually led to the founding of Lima and the country of Peru. Jack Stone, a former archaeology student and ex-member of the armed services specialises in finding lost artefacts, normally on behalf of the wealthy business classes. A telephone call from an old friend plunges Jack into a race to find an enormous hoard which the Spanish conquistadors had plundered and subsequently hidden. This unfathomable wealth has been hidden for nearly five hundred years and is all but forgotten. Deus Victum Totus are a sect of the Roman Catholic Church headed up by Gianfranco Alberto. Gianfranco is working with shady global business “elites” to discover the hoard and secure massive wealth. This wealth coupled with the globalists ambitions of population reduction and control will give the elitists enough wealth to control world governments, and to subjugate and cull the global population. Two opposed teams trying to out-manoeuvre each other in unravelling an age old mystery. Can Jack Stone solve the mystery to prevent the influential cult from promoting its sinister plans?
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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2011
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1456571451
    • ISBN13: 9781456571450

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