Architecture PSI: Per Square Inch
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Architecture PSI was written as an inspiration to those of us who think outside the box and strive to achieve a perfect design in the field of our expertise. Although there is only one perfect designer-the Master Architect Himself, of whom we have been formed in His image-we endeavor to invent those pieces of information that form the Plan. We, as architects, enjoy a profession that allows us to take information given to us by the client, organize that information into a detailed and unique plan, and then supervise the construction from the dust of the earth to a product that can be enjoyed by many users. The detailed and unique plan is considered intellectual property, with copyrights owned by the designer/architect, which has a fair market value (FMV). Those archived plans and specifications are invaluable to the architect designing the next addition, renovation, or demolition of public use buildings. Architecture PSI gives four examples of how to determine FMV of archived plans and specification and possible ways of using their intrinsic value. Architecture PSI was written with author Stephen Butler's intent for fellow architects, engineers, and other intellectual property owners to use their archived resources to better serve a culture of a debt-burdened society of ex-students, productively serving our society. We can, as professionals, think outside-of-the-box and help.
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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2013
    • LifeRich Publishing
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1489700811
    • ISBN13: 9781489700810

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