Always Rayne
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Would you spend ten days traveling the country with someone you despised if he promised to pay off your student loans? ALWAYS RAYNE is the first novel in the ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER New Adult Rock Star Romance Series. ALWAYS RAYNE can be read as a STAND ALONE NOVEL or as part of the SERIES. Recent college graduate, Harper Leigh, can barely make ends meet working as the books editor for a new online entertainment magazine, Chatter. With $85,000 of student loan debt about to go into repayment, she has no idea how she'll get by. Just when she thinks things couldn't get worse, Harper's boss decides to embed her in the North American tour for the hot rock band, Always Rayne. Ten days on the road with the band for her to get an exclusive story. But Harper's a homebody and the last thing she wants to do is go on the road with a rock band. And she definitely doesn't want to spend ten days with the notorious bad boy and band front man, Nic Rayne. When Nic proves to be too much for Harper to handle and she threatens to quit the assignment, Nic decides to sweeten the pot. If she stays with the tour for all ten days, he'll pay off all of her student loan debt....but there's one small catch Harper also has to sleep in his bed every night. THE ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER New Adult Rock Star Romance Series continues with: SOMETIMES BROOKE (Brooke & Leo's Story) NEVER RAVEN (Raven & Xander's Story) Due to mature LANGUAGE and CONTENT, ALWAYS RAYNE is recommended for readers aged 18+. WARNING: The characters say the "f" word...a lot. If you don't like the "f" word, please don't 1-click the book.
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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2016
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1537688308
    • ISBN13: 9781537688305

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