All These Things That I've Done
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When newlywed Grace Whelan discovers that Paul, her supposedly perfect husband, has kept his horrific childhood a secret, her world starts to spiral out of control.Meanwhile DI Kit Martorelli is called back to the Metropolitan Police - leaving behind her quiet life Sussex, to investigate the link between the murder of a recluse, and the notorious case of Sharon Morgan, a pregnant woman burned alive in her home by a gang of boys, over twenty years ago.A DNA find reveals there was another person involved in Sharon's murder who was never caught. While Grace is stranded alone with a man who, far from being her Prince Charming, may well be the worst kind of monster.With the help of her dad Vito, a former Met officer, Kit revisits the original investigation and discovers a web of police corruption and cover ups. Can she find the real killer of Sharon Morgan and clear the names of the four children who took the blame for this terrible crime?
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