Alamo Rising
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A CURSE IS UNLEASHED ON THE ALAMO CITY At the climax of the battle of the Alamo, two defenders place a curse on the scene. Renegades of a secret society, their curse lay buried by the Alamo for centuries, waiting for their vengeance to be unleashed. In 2010, Toribio Jimenez and Kim Hawkins are college friends who form an amateur ghost hunting group in San Antonio, Texas. Set up to have fun, they travel around the city to the various haunted locations in the 2nd most haunted city in the US. But the two friends quickly get in over their heads when they become involved in a power struggle between two local aristocrats locked in a dispute over property around the Riverwalk. When one of them sets in motion to unleash the curse set down a century before, Tory and Kim will not only have to fight for their lives, but find a way to stop the curse before it destroys downtown San Antonio. Will Tory and Kim find the answer to stopping the curse before it's too late? Or will downtown San Antonio fall when the Alamo rises again. BOWIE IBARRA “…kicks undead ass.” -- Jonathan Mayberry
People / Creatures
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2013
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1492952281
    • ISBN13: 9781492952282
    • Oct-2013
    • eBook (Kindle)

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