A Swain For Miss Penhurst
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    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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Caroline Penhurst grows the best turnips in Swain Cove. They are perfect for concealing the smaller items of the town's main trade - smuggled goods. When a handsome stranger wearing the King's uniform arrives on her allotment one rainy morning, it falls to Caroline to discern his true intentions. Constant vigilance has protected the town, and Caroline has no intention of letting her people down. Alas, he's so charming and intriguing, this proves harder than first thought. Caroline's had her heart broken by a man in scarlet before. How can she protect herself from further pain? Jonathan Gubbins is a man on am important mission: To find his contact in Swain Cove and rid himself of ill-gotten goods that are hidden in one of the many caves along the Cornwall coast. One false move could jeopardise an important mission and place innocent lives at risk. He cannot allow himself to be distracted by a woman, even one as intelligent and charming as Caroline.
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