A Star Called Lucky
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This novel returns the reader to the exotic world of the indomitable, spirited Lucky, whose global adventures in the international bestseller Lucky Everyday captivated audiences around the world. Three years ago, Lucky Boyle found solace as an unconventional yoga instructor after a bizarre turn of events landed her in New York as a single mom. Lucky is back, feeling grounded in her new life, until fate throws her a blow and an unexpected duo turns her life into a tailspin. From this moment, Lucky unknowingly steps into the secret and dangerous world of corrupt politics, forcing her to take another voyage across continents. Willthis journey destroy the faith in humanity she's worked so hard to achieve? Or will her resilient spirit bring her closer to understanding the delicate balance between love and life? It's up to Lucky to trust her intuition and cleverly navigate the intricate web that connects a mysterious Buddhist monk, a computer savant and an elusive Tibetan doctor. Through a series of puzzling encounters, Lucky must uncover who is hiding the most damaging secret before the authorities begin to suspect her. "A fully imagined, flawed but endearing character" -Publishers' Weekly on Lucky (Lucky Everyday) "A very entertaining plot with true-to-life experiences, and vivid characters" -Antonio Gomes, MD., Author of "The Sting of Peppercorns and Mirrored Reflections" "Masterfully woven together, with unexpected twists and turns and great insights on human interactions" -Kurt Ramin, MBA, CPA/CFE, published author internationally recognized. Germany "A must-read for all ages with true reflections on human nature, bringing characters to life in a wonderful way" -Dama Larissa Van Duser - VP Savoy Royal Foundation, New York City, NY "One of those very rare page turners" -Raymond Lavoie, retired SVP of Medtronic, Florida "A story with a soul, a winning spirit, and a big heart An unforgettable portrayal of characters that live with you" -Michele Mcmurray, SVP Style and Fashion industry, Montreal, Canada "Situations and people that you'll recognize in your daily encounters" -Brian Choudhary, New York, NY
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    • Sep-2014
    • Vook, Inc.
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1632954249
    • ISBN13: 9781632954244
    • First Edition
    • Jul-2014
    • Vook, Inc.
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1632958074
    • ISBN13: 9781632958075

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