A Cider Apple Summer
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Hooked me in and I couldn't put it down.' StefLoz Book Blog, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sit back on a sunny Somerset terrace and watch Posy fall for the neighbour she loves to hate, whose melting brown eyes and taut muscles are almost as annoying as his hot temper…

When twenty-seven-year-old Posy arrives at picture-perfect Oleander House in the Somerset village of Astercombe, she is enchanted. Adopted when she was just a baby, Posy is excited to re-connect with her birth family and help out on the family cider farm with its old stone walls and bees buzzing in the hedgerows.

There's just one tiny problem " her new next-door neighbour, haughty, handsome vineyard-owner Lachlan. Lachlan has taken an instant dislike to Posy, and after a furious argument when she ventures on his land, she's pretty certain there's not a heart of gold beneath his frosty exterior.

Yet as she falls in love with the flower-filled hedgerows and apple-green fields of her new life, she discovers more about her grumpy neighbour. Even though he acts like the world is out to get him, she can't ignore the sad expression in his dark eyes.

And when Posy discovers the heartbreaking secret that is tearing Lachlan apart, she understands why he has shut the door on the world and vows to help him, as well as the vineyard, which has fallen on hard times. Yet just as Lachlan lets Posy in, a terrible night threatens to destroy everything she has begun to care about and puts someone she loves at risk. Will her dream life in the country come at an awful price?

If you love Nicola May, Debbie Macomber and Milly Johnson, then you will adore The Little Orchard on the Lane. An enchanting summer romance about new beginnings, second chances and trusting your heart.

What everyone's saying about The Little Orchard on the Lane:

Yet another fantastic book from Tilly… real hug of a book that I desperately needed to cheer me up on these cold winter days' Fiction Book Reviews, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘A perfect summer read… What more could you want? Only problem with this read? The story and the evocative description had me buying apples and wine in the supermarket and dreaming of that perfect Somerset summer.' Netgalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I adored this story… perfect for a summer getaway!' Red Pillows

A really lovely story… Loved it!!!' Netgalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A gorgeous, romantic bookthat will whisk you away to sunnier happier times. Make you forget what we are living through at the moment and pop a smile on your face as you sink into a lovely romance.' Goodreads Reviewer

The perfect way to while away a gloomy winter afternoon… enjoy a sweet romantic story…' Goodreads reviewer

‘Love this book.' Netgalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘A wonderful trip to literary escapism… engaging and entertaining. You won't be disappointed!Beanie Bookworm
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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2021
    • Bookouture
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1800193432
    • ISBN13: 9781800193437

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