40 Something
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Follow 5 women as they navigate life in the 21st Century, juggling work, kids, family, and the men in their lives. This is the first in a series of eBooks based on True Stories.

For Rose, nothing is more important than family and she is determined that everything go the way things should go. When her sister Charlie brings a new friend to Sunday dinner, Rose feels threatened. Will Charlie's new friend behave or go too far? Sophie is trying to keep her head above water after her husband tossed her aside for another woman. When she agreed to go over to Rose's for Sunday dinner she got more than she'd bargained for. Will her life be forever changed? Justine observes her sister-in-law Rose and contemplates her perfect life. How much can she trust her husband?

Sunday dinner is the first novella in the series and is included in the paperback edition along with, Safety, Dating and Money. Each novella is like an episode of a TV show and make a good commuter read. The books are structured to fit into the busy lives of 40 Something women with the purpose of inspiring thought, conversation, and change.
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