Purple Apples depicts the life of a young girl, Donna Charlton, whose life transforms when she meets a lady with purple nails who serves her up a tasty treat. However, this treat is not just tasty it is also magical! Enjoy reading this enthralling ta...
Seventeen-year-old Gabriel Adam is used to relocating a lot. When a mysterious assassin burns his home to the ground, Gabriel’s father reveals the truth of why they are always on the move: Gabriel is one of four archangels, born human and sent to s...
Embattled by an uncertain future, Gabriel Adam is now slowly succumbing to the powerful ring that he credits with stopping the demon sent to Earth to start the second war between the light and dark realms. As his health fails, his feelings grow for h...
Stuck in the Dark Realm, teen-turned-archangel Gabriel Adam must remember who he was in the world. A familiar face guides him through an apocalyptic landscape, the only way home, but a relentless destructive force hunts them. Meanwhile, on the Ear...