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P.M. Hubbard's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    16 Books
  • First Book:
    March 1982
  • Latest Book:
    July 2013
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Book List in Order: 16 titles

  • Curtis had killed a man, and he had paid the price. Now free from prison and moving his way across England searching for a place to begin a new life, Curtis slowly realises he is being shadowed by mysterious pursuers and is entering a very dangerous,...

  • Jake Haddon inherits a house from his uncle. On first viewing it seems innocuous enough, but as the story develops there is a mounting sense of doom. It is obvious that something horrific is going to happen, but not quite what or to whom. This tale o...

  • Gifford knows that he must get away. London, his office job, his suburban home and his older wife have become unendurable. Then comes the answer in Callender, whom he meets in a pub and who offers him the job of handyman on a remote island. But once ...

  • By the time Jim Gilruth returns to Pakistan, twenty years after he served as a law officer in a small village near Lahore, colonial rule has given way to Pakistani officialdom. His strange and enigmatic mission is painfully involved in the brutal cla...

  • A vanishing corpse; a mistrustful policeman; a celebrated archaeologist and TV personality involved in the macabre rites of a primitive religious sect - these are just some of the dark ingredients of a novel whose every page is vibrant with menace.P....

  • Johnnie Slade harbours an obsessive love for fine glass objects, so his interest is piqued when he sees photographs of the fabulous Verzelini tazza in a magazine. He follows its trail and finds that someone may already have committed murder to get th...

  • Millie Trent, the toast - or scandal, according to some - of a West Country sailing resort, is found drowned. The verdict is accidental death, although no one seems to know when or why she ended up in the sea.Paul Mycroft, despite his determination n...

  • From the church of St Udan's rises The Tower, threatening collapse unless a large sum can be raised to repair it. In its shadow, the brooding, macabre figure of Old Liberty, fire-and-brimstone vicar, rages against robust and clever George Hardcastle,...

  • Peter Grant, sailing his boat in unfamiliar waters, is forced ashore on an island connected with the mainland by a causeway uncovered only at low tide. There is a house on the opposite shore lived in by two secretive people.His involvement in their a...

  • Mark Hawkins is an engineer and a loner, who has always resented his adventurer-archaeologist brother, Dick. But when Dick vanishes, allegedly dead in a climbing accident, Mark starts investigating the site his brother was excavating, a Cistercian mo...

  • Ainslie meets Mary Allison in an ancient Highland graveyard. It is a tantalising meeting that raises more questions than it answers. Later encounters with Mary and with other local people gradually involve him in a mystery that, as a newcomer to the ...

  • While hunting in the English countryside, Ben Selby stumbles upon the murdered body of Peter Gaston, a friend of some twenty years earlier. As they had both been agents in a clandestine organisation, he is convinced that Peter was killed to prevent t...

  • Steve and Helen Anderson move from their London flat into an isolated old house near the Lod River. Both are strangely drawn to the river, though stories circulate about its dangerously weak banks and powerful undertow. Helen is also drawn to neighbo...

  • Mike Hurst, tormented by events that happened five years ago, returns to the cottage he still owns and the location of past revelations. The place hasn't changed, but the people have, and he finds himself involved in a fresh net of personal discoveri...

  • Ian MacKellar seeks out Julia. He discovers her on a farm she runs, where she maintains her younger brother and sister. But his obsessive pursuit of Julia becomes stymied by members of her dysfunctional family. The action unfolds in a West Country En...

  • When Kate forsakes London to join her husband in the North of Scotland, it is more than a journey to an unfamiliar land. The spirit of the Highland village, invested with ancient clan warfare, works its magic on her; and the foundations of her matter...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

P.M. Hubbard has published 16 books.

P.M. Hubbard does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, A Rooted Sorrow, was published in July 2013.

The first book by P.M. Hubbard, High Tide, was published in March 1982.

No. P.M. Hubbard does not write books in series.