Luke Delaney takes the thriller genre to new heights with his debut crime novel, Cold Killing -- an unforgettable and haunting duel between a seasoned detective and a brilliant serial killer. Detective Inspector Sean Corrigan finds the body of a b...
A chilling short story taking us back to DI Sean Corrigan’s days as a newly minted detective from Luke Delaney, ex-Met detective and author of Cold Killing. Perfect for fans of Mark Billingham, Peter James and Stuart MacBride.1993. The Parkside Rap...
A chilling short story taking us back to DI Sean Corrigan’s days as a detective from Luke Delaney, ex-Met detective and author of COLD KILLING. Perfect for fans of Mark Billingham, Peter James and Stuart MacBride.INCLUDES AN EXCLUSIVE EXTRACT FROM ...
A damp, dark cellar holds two cages. And for the women behind the bars, their worst nightmares are about to come true . . . When Louise Russell goes missing from her home, D.I. Sean Corrigan from South London's Murder Investigation Unit immediatel...
Outside the house, it's cold and dark. Inside, where it's warm, children are sleeping. D.I. Sean Corrigan might have a tiny new office at Scotland Yard and a huge new beat -- all of London -- but the job is the same. His team has a knack for ca...
The fifth novel in the DI Sean Corrigan series - authentic and terrifying crime fiction with a psychological edge, by an ex-Met detective. Perfect for fans of Mark Billingham, Peter James and Stuart MacBride. A serial killer stalks the streets... In ...
Two vicious ex-cons are now walking free -- and one cop is close behind -- in a novel by the author who “knows the London crime scene like the back of his hand” (The Times). In 2005 London, two teenage boys commit a crime so horrendous tha...