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Larry Simmons's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    6 Books
  • First Book:
    May 1997
  • Latest Book:
    April 2018
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Book List in Order: 6 titles

  • With the Soviet Union in ruins, renegade soldiers led by the ruthless Dimitri Karpenko seize a cache of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons to sell to the highest bidder, and it is up to Derek Evans and his elite SEAL Team to stop them before t...

  • The world's worst nightmare has become a reality. A militant Middle East terrorist group called the Yassinists has conceived a plot against the Great Satan-the United States-in retribution for decades of suffering that the Palestinians have suffered ...

  • Free Enterprise is an action adventure novel that revolves about the War on Drugs. From Bolivia to New Orleans, the novel takes a trip into the world of the smuggler and those who would stop their criminal enterprise. Jack Duran, a young Seal Lieuten...

  • Saint Anthony's Fire is an action adventure novel that revolves around chemical and biological weapons and what could be happening to former Soviet black weapons. In this novel Soviet Major Alexander Gurnov relives the horrors of his wars in horrible...

  • Kidnapping for Ransom (KR) is a little known, multibillion-dollar business based upon fear and the threat of violence. It is mainly publicized from the point of view of the hostage-takers or victims and rarely from the point of view of the individual...

  • In 1979, Americans were stunned when the Sandinistas seized power in Nicaragua with assistance from paramilitary advisors from Cuba and covert military aid from the Soviet Union. Communism crept one step closer to our backdoor when Anastasio Somoza D...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Larry Simmons has published 6 books.

Larry Simmons does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Poorest Rich Country, was published in April 2018.

The first book by Larry Simmons, Silent Option, was published in May 1997.

No. Larry Simmons does not write books in series.