Author Information
Jill Johnson's Latest Book

Newest Release

  • Bibliography:
    8 Books
  • First Book:
    January 2010
  • Latest Book:
    July 2024
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Book List in Order: 8 titles

  • Find out what Tarzan and Mr. Bach have in common in Kindermonkey's 3rd book. Fun hidden Kindermonkey Klues: a music note pattern, something missing on Kindermonkey's shirt, changes in Mr. Bach's expression, and a mistake in the music to Toccato and F...

  • It isn't the first time Little Toad has seen heavy rain, so he has little trouble falling asleep in the comfortable home he has made for himself under a suburban family's moveable basketball goal. In fact, the sound of the rain lulls him into a dream...

  • Find out how many coffee beans Mr. Beethoven had to have in each cup of coffee. Make learning fun by combining music and math in Kindermonkey's 4th book. For more information go to: or Kindermonkey Johnson Facebook...

  • In my classroom, one of the most asked questions is, What does Kindermonkey do at night? You will be surprised! At our house, we have to take naps during the day to catch up on our lost sleep. So if Kindermonkey has to take naps during the day, you w...

  • Every garden has its secrets...Eustacia Rose is a Professor of Botanical Toxicology with only her extensive collection of poisonous plants for company. Her life is quiet, her schedule is unchanging, and her closest friends are the specimens she tends...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Jill Johnson has published 8 books.

The next book by Jill Johnson, The Woman in the Garden, will be published in July 2024.

The first book by Jill Johnson, Kindermonkey and the Big Blob, was published in January 2010.

No. Jill Johnson does not write books in series.