In the sequel to The Gunfighter's Apprentice, former gunfighter Tom Patterson and his wife Betty are drawn into a scheme of assassination and avarice in 1880s California. Patterson seeks to find and warn the proposed victim of a failed murder attempt...
Mitch Ellsworth wants a new, uneventful life. With a history that includes Civil War service with the notorious Quantrill raiders, post-war banditry and a consequential stretch in a Missouri prison, he hopes to put his past behind him. Responding to ...
Abandoned in childhood in pre-Civil War Texas, Tom Patterson grows up tough, wily and, surprisingly good-natured. These traits serve him well as a conscript cavalryman in the Confederate Army. His courage in combat and his resourcefulness in dangerou...
Serving life in a Colorado penitentiary for crimes he did not commit, Kevin Mathias dreams of the impossible - getting away to a sanctuary country in South America! In the dead of winter, when a bizarre and perilous breakout opportunity briefly appea...
Inheriting a luxurious charter yacht in the Caribbean seems to portend a wondrous and exhilarating new career for Glenn Hathaway, an innocuous young landlubber stuck in the monotony of a dull, uneventful existence. However, as he boards the ship of h...
TREASURE CANYON "Could someone write a western version of Treasure Island?" was the question. "Not exactly," was the response, "but it is a challenge to try!" Admittedly 'borrowing' some characters, emotional relationships, and the treasure-seeking p...
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Jerry S. Drake has published 6 books.
Jerry S. Drake does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Treasure Canyon, was published in August 2016.
The first book by Jerry S. Drake, Sierra Skullduggery, was published in July 2008.