A hitman, a hooker, a homosexual kid, and a hobo suicide make the ultimate prison break...escape from Hell itself! But when news of their attempted escape gets out, the souls of the damned are transformed into a rioting mob, and all Hell truly does b...
2009 WORLD FANTASY AWARD WINNERThe city has always been a place of mystery, of magic, and wonder. In cities past, present, and future, in metropoli real and imagined, meet mutilated warrior-women, dead boys, mechanical dogs, escape artists and more. ...
Glaikit, mockit, droukit, drouthy, couthy, scunner, thrawn - the Scots language is rich with words too gallus not to glory in, dialect terms that deserve better than to be boxed away as precious oddities. Here we've collected some of the strangest wr...
An anarcho-socialist Big Bad Wolf blowing down the houses of the Powers-That-Be. An Erocide cop lamenting the many ways people murder love. A vampire sworn to the light of Reason, engaged in experiments of gruesome rigour. A multiversal rebel invadin...
Sexy, secretive, yet clear-eyed, Duncan brings pop, high, and low cultures together in one handy sometimes amusing sometimes harsh A-to-Z which every bibliophile and armchair adventurer will find to be a necessary guidebook through the temerarious pa...
Urchins scrobbled down the centuries from yer poor and persecuted. Foundlings Fixed in imperishable waifhood by the Stamp & sold to rich groanhuffs as child labour. Hellions with spirits as resilient as their flesh, less like to cower from a kick tha...
Fixed imperishable by the Stamp, sold as slaves, escaped to run wild, fight dirty and plot revenge, Scruffians might look no more'n filthy guttersnipes, but it's a daft groanhuff who crosses em. From the Children's Crusades to the chimney sweeps of R...
Meet the Scruffians, workhouse tykes and street arabs scrobbled by the Waiftaker General, dragged to the Institute and put to the Stamp, Fixed ageless, imperishable. . . the perfect child labour. Meet the scruffs escaped to live free & fight back: Fl...
This novella-length collection of Erehwynan Idylls offers readers an indulgent and weird agglomeration of randy boys and revelations, as the embodiment of a small breeze--actually the gene-spliced child of the gods Zephyros and Ares--flirts and se...
The Land of Somewhere Safe: where things go when you think, "I must put this somewhere safe," and then can never find them again.
The Scruffians: irreverent foul-mouthed street urchins, older than their years, waifs who have been Fixed by th...
Waifs of history put under the Stamp. Fixed imperishable to skivvy forever for the groanhuffs. Scarpered to live wild, fight back, liberate every scruff still in chains. Orphans, foundlings, latchkey kids...It's over a century now since the Scru...