Sergeant Jack Crossman's second adventure finds him still in the heat of battle in the Crimea. Having survived a dangerous covert mission in The Devil's Own the man known to his comrades as 'Fancy Jack' now faces new horrors at the Battle of Balaclav...
Garry Douglas Kilworth's third Jack Crossman novel finds the man they call 'Fancy Jack' with little time to recover from the horrors of Balaclava. Following the terrible massacre of the Light Brigade, morale is low, supplies are scarce and the Crimea...
The year is 1855, and the port of Sebastopol is still under siege by the Allies, the Russians putting up a vigorous defence. Sgt Jack Crossman and his hardy band of brothers carry out discreet British operations in and around the troubled city. Russi...
After the final dreadful battle in the mud and cold of the Crimea, there could hardly be a greater contrast - 'Fancy Jack' Crossman, minus a hand, and newly promoted to Lieutenant, finds himself taking ship for the heat and excitement of India. He is...
The fourth Crimea adventure for Sergeant 'Fancy Jack' Crossman and his band of brothers Jack Crossman and the privations of war during a Russian winter, in which a few hardy soldiers cause confusion and havoc among the enemy. After the battle of Inke...
This is the new 'Fancy Jack' Crossman novel. The Indian Mutiny has almost run its course, but there are still battles to be fought before the uprising is finally put down. Lieutenant Jack Crossman, posted to India from his adventures in the Crimea...
The first of the colourful exploits of Jack Crossman, The Devil's Own sees him in the thick of the fighting during the notoriously brutal and bloody Crimean War. In an uneasy nineteenth century alliance with the French and the Turks, the British troo...