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Dean Murray's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    41 Books (6 Series)
  • First Book:
    November 2010
  • Latest Book:
    November 2023
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Full Series List in Order

The Awakening

1 - Reborn (Feb-2015)
2 - Immortal (Mar-2015)
3 - Endless (Apr-2015)

A Broken World

1 - The Society (Jul-2015)
2 - The Destroyer (Sep-2015)
3 - The Warlord (Sep-2016)
4 - The Founder (Feb-2017)
5 - The Outsider (Jan-2019)

The Compelled Chronicles

1 - Stone Heart (Jan-2016)

Dark Reflections

1 - Bound (Jan-2014)
2 - Hunted (Mar-2014)
3 - Ambushed (Aug-2014)
4 - Shattered (Dec-2014)
5 - Burned (May-2015)
6 - Handoff (Jan-2012)
7 - True Believer (Sep-2012)

The Guadel Chronicles

1 - Frozen Prospects (Jan-2011)
2 - Thawed Fortunes (Jul-2011)
3 - Brittle Bonds (Mar-2013)
4 - Shattered Ties (Oct-2013)


1 - Broken (Dec-2011)
2 - Torn (Oct-2011)
3 - Splintered (Apr-2013)
4 - Intrusion (Jul-2012)
5 - Numb (Apr-2014)
6 - Trapped (Dec-2012)
7 - Forsaken (Dec-2012)
7.5 - Scent of Tears (Dec-2010)
8 - Riven (Jun-2013)
9 - Driven (May-2015)
10 - Lost (Oct-2014)
11 - Marked (Dec-2014)
12 - Left (Feb-2016)

Book List in Order: 41 titles

  • Lacy has been fooling herself for years. She'd nearly convinced herself she's happy with just being Dan's friend, but as they've begun drifting apart she's realized she's losing more than just her best friend.**Author's Note: In the spirit of full di...

  • I'rone's guardians have never particularly like Betreec, but that hasn't damped her determination to catch his eye. When every able bodied person in the Capital is turned out to search the abandoned sections of caverns for a lost child, it seems like...

  • Jerome has spent his whole life working for the 'bad guys'. Born in the slums of Chicago, he'd always figured he'd come to an early end working for one criminal organization or another. Then the Company came along and implanted him with several milli...

  • Living in the city is hard for a shape shifter, especially one as young as Shawn. He’s been anticipating the coming trip out to the country for months. The fact that he’s going to be allowed to run around unescorted only makes things better.The v...

  • Coffee has been on the run ever since she defected from The Company. It's only recently that Her nominal allies in the Resistance have only recently begun to trust her and she's finally got access to the secret weapon that's allowed them to stay hal...

  • The invitation to join the secretive Guadel should have been the fulfillment of dreams Va'del didn't even realize he had. When his sponsors are killed in an ambush a short time later, he instead finds his probationary status revoked, and becomes a pa...

  • With a cast of characters ranging from a pre-teen shapeshifter out on his first solo excursion, to a high-tech resistance fighter who's desperately trying to win the trust of her comrades, Darkness and Light delivers a pleasing variety of adventures....

  • Va'del should have been returning to a hero's welcome. In saving Jain, he also saved his people from a threat that the entire Guadel Council had been powerless to stop. Instead he once again finds himself caught between rival power blocks as his peop...

  • Abby's one year from graduation, and headed nowhere. A steady regimen of parties and drugs isn't what she really wants to be doing, but sometimes she needs a little something extra just to make it through the day. This party wasn’t supposed to b...

  • Shape shifter Alec Graves has spent nearly a decade trying to keep his family from being drawn into open warfare with a larger pack. The new girl at school shouldn't matter, but the more he gets to know her, the more mysterious she becomes. Worse, sh...

  • Sometimes small moments play pivotal parts in where we end up. Scott has just graduated from college and is about to make the best, or worst decision of his life. Departure is a 2100 word romance short story exploring the start of two very different ...

  • Adri Paige is too busy dealing with the emotional fallout from losing half of her family to deal with boys. At least she thought so until the two most intriguing guys in her new school take an interest in her. Both boys are gorgeous and blessed with ...

  • Adam thought the job was going to be easy. Overwatch while some rich eccentric took care of a straightforward transfer of merchandise. It hardly justified the presence of a one mercenary let alone a squad backed up by two very skilled snipers....

  • Jess awoke to a world she doesn’t really understand, hounded by impulses that are quite literally more than any human could be expected to control.It’s painfully evident that her friends and family are doing everything they can to help her regain...

  • Thrust into a supernatural world populated by shape shifters, werewolves, and even darker things, Adam no longer knows who he can trust.Alec Graves saved his life and thereby earned his service, but Adam continues to worry that Alec is no better than...

  • The power he needs to protect his friends and family is just outside of Alec Graves' reach. The dominant shape shifter pack in North America is circling like vultures and there are other, more savage opponents approaching in the distance. Given the d...

  • Kristin has always been firmly grounded in reality. Trading in small-town Idaho for an Ivy-League school wasn't going to be an easy proposition and making it happen wasn't going to leave her time for unnecessary things like crushes on boys. Kristin i...

  • Va'del has saved his people for the second time in as many months. This time he's determined to take what is rightfully his and marry Jain, but not everyone is happy with his accomplishments. Old enemies are preparing to see to it that Va'del and Jai...

  • Most girls would have killed to be in Adri’s shoes, in fact several people think that’s exactly what she did. Of course life with a pack of shape shifters isn’t quite what she expected. The time with Alec is great, but now that the rival pack i...

  • Adri is the happiest she's ever been, but a noose is slowly tightening around the entire pack. Alec's victory in Chicago put the shape shifter ruling body on notice that he was going to do everything he could to bring them down, but she knows that ri...

  • Brittle Bonds (The Guadel Chronicles Volume 3) saw Va'del and Jain driven from their mountain home by traitors among the People. The pair's time in the lowlands, surrounded by hostile priests of a foreign religion, tested them in ways they never anti...

  • A white-knuckled thrill ride that will keep your eyes glued to the page. Blood: For shape shifter Alec Graves, nothing is more important than family. Duty: Life in the pack requires sacrifices. No matter the cost, Alec always gets the job done. Conse...

  • Adri just wants to make it through the next two years of high school so she can graduate and go out on her own, but she's in for a big surprise. Adri is about to develop a unique power that will thrust her into a shadowy world filled by preternatural...

  • Adriana Paige didn't see her breakup with Alec Graves coming any more than he did, but at the time she couldn't see any other way to stop him from turning into some kind of monster. For weeks now she's been haunted by the worry that she made a terrib...

  • Alec Graves successfully saved his sister from a fate worse than death, and stole billions of dollars from his father's pack in the process. Adri Paige spent weeks being hunted by vampires who wanted to use her ability to enter other people's dreams ...

  • I felt like I'd lost everything. My home, my girlfriend, my friends, they were all washed away by a group of shape shifter thugs who were determined to keep their boots on the throat of every wolf and hybrid in North America. Graves Manor being burne...

  • Happily ever after takes a lot more effort than they let on in fairytales.Adriana Paige thought she was getting married. Days before the wedding, shape shifters and werewolves tore through the estate killing and burning.Their forces once again outnum...

  • A hidden world full of danger and love. A powerful dream walker, Adriana Paige spends her time reaching into other people's dreams and ferreting out terrible secrets the rebellion desperately needs. Someday she'll become the perfect weapon -- if she ...

  • True love never dies. In just a few days a new arrival at Selene's high school will turn her entire world upside down. She's never met anyone so attractive -- or so mysterious -- before this, but Jace's unyielding insistence that they've known each o...

  • Dying sucks for everyone, but for Selene there are added complications. Becoming one of the Awakened, a group of godlike beings, should have been the end of Selene's worries. Instead, dangerous people who want the secrets she hid away in a past inc...

  • Becoming immortal and mastering god-like powers hasn't been easy for Selene. Enemies shadow her every move, and using her powers continues to rip away memories of her childhood and the mother she lost too soon. Things between her and Jace are straine...

  • Adri Paige still feels like she and Alec Graves are meant to be together, but that requires she get past what happened in Minnesota. Alec's actions cost her the most important people in her life, and that's something she couldn't forget even if she w...

  • Jasmin is a 17-year-old shape shifter whose whole world has been turned upside down over the last six months. Her pack has been scattered, she's nearly died more times than she can count, and the boy she cares about more than anyone else in the entir...

  • People need to be monitored, or they'll repeat the mistakes of the Desolation, a centuries-old war that killed billions of people and destroyed civilization. Skye is part of the Society, the hi-tech, nanite-endowed group responsible for making sure t...

  • They armored Skye's body and taught her how to kill, but didn't do anything to shield her heart. They injected her with nanites to make her faster and stronger, but that didn't make her ready to meet Brennan. She arrived expecting to find a despot --...

  • Dani's new home isn't just another stopover in a long chain of places she'll never see again, it's the home of both Caine and Jerek, two guys like nobody she's ever met before. One represents the best friend she's been hungering for, and the other re...

  • I spent five hellish years in a constant state of fear, convinced that we were only a heartbeat away from being destroyed by a larger pack of shape shifters.Just when it looked like we'd won, an even bigger group of thugs stepped in, and this time I ...

  • Faced with helping to murder hundreds of thousands of innocents -- including Brennan, the rebel leader she's grown to love -- Skye did the only thing she could. She defected and fought her way through the Society's troops, bringing along all of the p...

  • Falling in love with Brennan showed Skye a world she'd been taught couldn't exist. Since then she's saved his life multiple times, and dealt a severe blow to the Society in the process, but all is not as it seems.Skye's nanites continue to adapt at a...

  • Escaping the Society’s high-tech enclave the first time cost Skye both her mother and her innocence.Going back required the betrayal of Brennan and everything Skye loved.Now Skye is back on the outside. She’s on the run, isolated and hunted by ne...

  • Skye finally knows why her nanites have been malfunctioning.There's a new player in the conflict between Brennan's people and the enclave, someone with unprecedented abilities.The only remaining question is whether this new player will become Skye's ...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Dean Murray has published 41 books.

Dean Murray does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Desolation, was published in November 2023.

The first book by Dean Murray, I'rone, was published in November 2010.

Yes. Dean Murray has 6 series.