Author Information
Clive Woodall's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    4 Books
  • First Book:
    January 2005
  • Latest Book:
    July 2015
  • Author Rating:
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Book List in Order: 4 titles

  • “An epic tale in the tradition of Watership Down and Lord of the Rings.” -- Alan Yentob, BBC Director of Drama and EntertainmentDarkness has fallen over the realm of Birddom. The skies rain blood, no nest is safe, and the winds are...

  • Welcome to Birddom - a land where magpies rule. Dark forces are at work. An evil intelligence is masterminding their inexorable rise. Dominance has been achieved by systematic genocide and slaughter. In Birddom, blackbird and sparrow have been ext...

  • Man and nature are at war with each other. Evil flaps its black wings once more, and casts dark shadows. But which is darker? Evil from without or from within? Beseiged on all sides, the ancient tawny owl, Tomar, battles to keep Birddom pure and w...

  • Birddom is a paradise-in-waiting for any bird searching for a new life. A place where broken wings can heal and learn once more to fly, straight & true. But dark intentions threaten its serenity. Spindle, a gawky young heron, and Snowcap, a bright, w...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Clive Woodall has published 4 books.

Clive Woodall does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Broken Wings, was published in July 2015.

The first book by Clive Woodall, One For Sorrow, Two For Joy, was published in January 2005.

No. Clive Woodall does not write books in series.