They Dream in Gold
  • Published:
    Aug-2024 (Hardcover)
    Jul-30-2024 (Release)
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    Print / eBook
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A “luminous” (Tara Conklin) literary debut following two dreamers, one intercultural family, and the diasporic pursuit of home.

When Bonnie and Mansour meet in New York in 1968 -- his piercing gaze in a downtown jazz club threatening to carry her away -- their connection is undeniable. Both from fractured homes, with childhoods spent crossing the Atlantic, they quickly find peace with each other. And as Mansour's soaring Senegalese melodies continue to break new ground, keeping time with the sound of revolution and taking him and Bonnie from Paris to Rio and Switzerland, it seems as though happiness might finally be around the corner for them both.

Then Mansour goes missing. His Spanish tour was only meant to last three weeks, but three months later, he and his band have not returned. In his absence, Bonnie reckons with her memories of him, and comes to understand that the hopes of so many women -- her mother and grandmother; his mother, aunt, childhood friend -- rest on her perseverance. Stirred by the life growing inside her, Bonnie puts a plan in action to find him.

Spanning two decades and moving through the hotbeds of the African diaspora, They Dream in Gold is an epic yet intimate exploration of the migrant hunger for belonging and a powerful, intergenerational testament to our shared humanity, for lovers of Tara Stringfellow's Memphis and Abi Daré's The Girl with the Louding Voice.

“Epic and hauntingly beautiful.” ―Nguy...n Phan Quế Mai
“Wholly original.” ―Thao Thai
"One of the most beautiful debuts I've ever read.” ―Dawnie Walton
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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2024
    • Zando
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1638931100
    • ISBN13: 9781638931102
    • Aug-2024
    • SJP Lit
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1638930902
    • ISBN13: 9781638930907

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