If Anything Happens To Me
  • Published:
    Sep-2024 (Hardcover)
    Sep-17-2024 (Release)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
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From celebrated New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice comes a hotly anticipated YA thriller about two girls desperate to catch a murderer who's still on the loose.

Oli Parish is numb after the death of her sister Eloise. She was her other half who went missing one day and was later found buried in the woods. And the killer? He's still on the loose. This should scare Oli but nothing gets in the way of her visiting the site in the woods where her sister's body was discovered. Oli can sense Eloise's spirit there.

But on one of her visits, Oli hears a voice calling for help and then she sees a hand clawing its way through the dirt. But this is no ghost -- it's a young girl named Iris. She has no memory of what happened to her and how she ended up in the same shallow grave as Eloise. But Oli knows that Iris must in some way be connected to her sister's murder. Together, the two girls team up to try to help Iris recover her memory and unravel the mystery of who is behind the crimes.

Their detective work leads them all around Oli's seemingly idyllic small town -- and to her shock, to a classmate of hers named Harry, who may or may not be looking for a desperate way to help his ailing sister... and at the expense of other girls.

Told in Luanne Rice's breathtaking prose, and at a breakneck pace, this riveting mystery about sisters, hope, and the fight for what's right is perfect for fans of Family of Liars and A Good Girls' Guide To Murder.
People / Creatures
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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2024
    • Scholastic
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1338739530
    • ISBN13: 9781338739534
    • Sep-2024
    • Scholastic
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1338739549
    • ISBN13: 9781338739541
    • Sep-2024
    • Scholastic Press
    • eBook (Kindle)

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