In Too Deep
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Kathryn Shay spent five years riding fire trucks with a large city fire department, eating in their firehouses and interviewing hundreds of America's Bravest. Read the novellas that resulted from her intense relationship with firefighters!

“Shay's powerful characters and emotional topics strike a chord with her readers and have earned her a well-deserved place among the top romance authors.” Waldenbooks Romantic Reader

IN TOO DEEP is the first novella in Shay's powerful, new anthology, AMERICA'S BRAVEST. (All six novellas are available in a boxed set.)
In the Hidden Cove Fire Department, Gabe Malvaso is a favorite among firefighters. He's tough, fair, has a good sense of humor and loves his work. But for eighteen months, he's avoided a member of his crew, Firefighter Rachel Wellington, despite his knife-sharp attraction to her. She is also drawn to him but is equally determined to keep things professional between them--until they're trapped in a basement for a day, thinking they'll never be rescued. Then, their feelings for each other explode like the building around them.
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