Graveyard of Demons
  • Published:
    Nov-2024 (Hardcover)
    Nov-05-2024 (Release)
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Hero of the people Ashok Vadal lives! Now, he must face down enemies on all sides if he and the Sons of the Black Sword are to have any hope of destroying the evil Capitol in a new entry in NYT best-selling author Larry Correia’s Saga of the Forgotten Warrior epic fantasy series.ASHOK VADAL LIVES! Grand Inquisitor Omand Vokkan’s plans have come to fruition. Lord Protector Devedas has defeated the falled warrior Ashok Vadal in combat and has been crowed Raja in the Capitol. The Great Extermination of the casteless has been largely successful, and the Sons of the Black Sword are in hiding. Following the directions of a demon with whom Vokkan made a pact, Vokkan travels to seek the treasure he most desires: immortality. None stand in his way—or so he things. But Ashok Vadal is not dead. The shard of the Black Sword embedded in his heart—the sword that called him to weild it—is not done with Vadal yet. Now, wielding another Black Sword, Vadal sets out to rescue the prophetess Thera Vane, find the Sons of the Black Sword, defeat the wicked Capitol—and throw down the Law forever, bringing for the first time, freedom to all the people of Lok. Much stands in his way, but Ashok Vadal has defeated men, demons, and gods alike.
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2024
    • Baen
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1982193735
    • ISBN13: 9781982193737

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