Fug 10
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    Action Adventure
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    18th Century
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Two centuries of intrigue and suspense lead to a frantic climax as modern rivals attempt to secure the treasure originally looted by a Hessian officer as General George Washington made his daring crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas night, 1776. After the Battle of Trenton, a captured Hessian soldier is the only survivor who knows the hiding place of the treasure. From there follows a twisted tale of recovery and loss which finally leads to a modern-day genealogical search by the descendants of the Hessian prisoner and a befriended Revolutionary prison guard. These descendents find a cryptic clue (FUG 10) while an unscrupulous rival uncovers the same information by treachery - and a deadly game is afoot. This edge-of-the-chair drama of deceit and betrayal concludes with a modern-day climax that is as fascinating as it is riveting. The sleuths find themselves in a race to the finish for the treasure and their opponent has no intention of playing fair. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Working many years on his family genealogy and a love of American history - especially treasure stories - inspired the author to write this novel. Striving to learn more about his Mennonite heritage (third great-grandmother) gives him a personal interest in the day-to-day struggles and customs of his early American ancestors. Jay Osman was born and raised in upper Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and now resides in central Pennsylvania with his wife, Shirley, and their Labrador retriever, Beau.
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    • Apr-2007
    • Yellowback Mysteries
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 159663782X
    • ISBN13: 9781596637825

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