The Oldest Things in the World
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In this novel of action and ideas, Rose Smith wants to live among the "the oldest things in the world." While working in Los Angeles, a photo of Peru's Machu Picchu attracts her attention. "Stone city, blue sky. Home," she ruminates. Impulsively, she goes. There she meets a university professor, Carlos Urbina Delgado. They fall in love during a long trip down the dry Peruvian coast into the ancient mountain city of Cuzco. Through Carlos, Rose sees the poverty of the once-proud Inca, ponders the endurance of these and other indigenous peoples and wonders if the world can survive without them.

Rose sees Los Angeles differently when she returns â€" as a city without a soul, divorced from its roots in early native people. Overcome by loneliness, Rose retreats into work. Slowly she moves forward in her quest. She rediscovers her passion for painting and joins in fighting for the rights of indigenous people. Carlos visits, but she has one more journey she must make: to Guatemala where the indigenous Maya have survived three decades of war. There, in the cities' markets and the country's highlands, in violence that pits Indian against European and nearly ends her life, Rose looks for her answers.

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    • Jul-2001
    • Authorhouse
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0759626618
    • ISBN13: 9780759626614

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