The Jaguar's Story
  • Published:
    Apr-2017 (Hardcover)
  • Formats:
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
  • Pages:
  • Age Level:
    04 & up
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A picture book of courage and triumph, "The Jaguar s Story" teaches children about real-life environmental issues threatening animals in the Amazon rainforest through the story of a jaguar family s search for a new home.
Meet Into and Chasca, two jaguar cubs who live in the rainforest and spend their days making friends with butterflies and learning to roar. But one day, men and machines begin clearing the forest to make room for pastures, mines, and roads, and the two jaguar cubs and their mother are forced to leave on a quest to find a new home.
Both entertaining and educational, "The Jaguar s Story"teaches children about real-life environmental issues that threaten animals in the rainforest. Activity pages in the back of the book provide fun activities children can do alone or with an adult, and downloadable teaching pages provide hours of educational fun."The Jaguar s Story"will enchant children and adults alike and inspire them to protect the rainforest for generations to come."
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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2017
    • Mandala Publishing
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1608879550
    • ISBN13: 9781608879557

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