Sunshine Chief
  • Published:
    Nov-2021 (Hardcover)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
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In his uproarious, award-winning novel The Dining Car, author Eric Peterson introduced the world to the legendary food writer and bon vivant Horace Button, editor and publisher of Sunshine Trails magazine. Now Horace and his entourage return with Sunshine Chief.They travel, as Horace always does, in his vintage private railroad cars. Their destination is southern Arizona, where Horace is slated to co-chair the Best Chef Tucson Jail-and-Bail Weekend Gala with his beloved friend Bunny Lorillard, queen bee of fashionable society. Making the trip are Horace's bartender, Pierre; his private chef, Wanda; and her husband, Jack, who is the narrator of the story. Horace brings along his adopted thirteen-year-old niece, Jane, and her best friend from school, Florabelle. Both girls have recently been suspended, and Horace hopes spending time with Bunny will inspire the mischief-makers to live up to the motto-high moral character and service to community-of their tony Palo Alto school. In Tucson, anticipation for the traditional weekend gala runs high. But when the weekend takes a macabre turn, Horace finds himself in a unique position to solve the lethal crime he's convinced has occurred. Slinging insults, riding roughshod over perceived inferiors, and always keeping a stiff drink close at hand, Horace offends and appalls Tucson's titled officials and food-scene elites in his search for the truth. What he can't foresee is that the secret he's about to reveal might be better left undiscovered.
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2021
    • Huckleberry House
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 0982486081
    • ISBN13: 9780982486085
    • Nov-2021
    • Huckleberry House
    • eBook (Kindle)

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