Shadow of Deception
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2153, Toronto, United Nation of North America (UNNA)

A horrific plane crash kills all five hundred and forty-two passengers except one. Kazumi emerges from the wreckage physically unscathed but has lost all her memories. Her miraculous survival has the whole city buzzing but all she wants is to go home, wherever home is.

After waiting a month in the hospital with no one to claim her, Kazumi is deemed homeless. She is about to be sent to a nearby teenage shelter when the nurse she grew to trust ushers her down a mysterious path, one that promises safety and maybe even the chance to recover her memories. With no better options available, Kazumi takes her chance and finds herself in the headquarters of the Sarcomeres, a secret society of genetically advanced humans hidden deep inside the Rocky Mountains. The Sarc's heightened physical abilities and high-tech gadgets are not the only things that fascinate Kazumi. Finnegan O'Riley, a fellow Sarc she meets along the way also gets her heart racing. When Kazumi discovers that she possesses the genetic potential of a Sarcomere, she jumps at the chance to train with them, not knowing the death defying tests that are involved.

Meanwhile, a centuries-old nemesis of the Sarcomeres begins to stir in the dark, setting their dark plans in motion. Just when Kazumi thinks she can help protect her new found home, past memories surface to threaten her new identity. She soon realizes that layers of deception run deep and everyone has a secret agenda, including herself.

Who can she trust when she can't even trust herself? One wrong decision could bring forth consequences worse than death.
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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2015
    • Outskirts Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1478742844
    • ISBN13: 9781478742845
    • Apr-2015
    • Outskirts Press
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Apr-2015
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1311449132
    • ISBN13: 9781311449139

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