Flirting with the Boss
  • Published:
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    Previously released story collection
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List of Titles

Author Book Series Genre Date Rating Genre      
Contemporary Romance / CR 4.5
Contemporary Romance / CR 4
Contemporary Romance / CR 5
  • Description:
    Can he win his boss' heart?

    Lori Hutchinson is out of her depth stepping into her father's corporate shoes, to work with single dad Jace and his construction business. But with the holiday season drawing near they soon discover there is more than business in their relationship...

    Left to raise his two orphaned nieces, Dr. Gavin Brice has enough on his plate without an inconvenient attraction to his new boss! The frosty Dr Virginia Potter clearly disapproves of him- but with one amazing kiss, the ice begins to thaw...

    Gorgeous midwife Lucas Elliot manages to make any woman go weak at the knees... except Darcie Green, making her the ultimate challenge! Except Lucas is now dangerously close to falling for her... And worse, Darcie's even closer to discovering this playboy's secret!