Robber's Roost
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    May-2008 (Hardcover)
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Provocative, funny, and spirited, Robber's Roost chronicles the journey of a merry band of characters devoted to self-gratification and the pursuit of pleasure. What they ultimately find is that hard work, honesty, and a little luck provide salvation and self-respect in a society where lawlessness, mystery and murder are commonplace. Author Guyanne Booth introduces us to a delightfully insufferable pair of ne er-do-wells, Larken Blakemore and Emmy Ferrell, in her new novel, Robber's Roost. Accomplished in the social graces of New Orleans casino life in the 1860s, these two spoiled descendants of wealthy Louisiana families abandon their lavishly decadent lifestyle for the rough, forbidding cliffs of Utah's infamous Robber's Roost. When they stumble into the notorious outlaw hideout, they discover much to their dismay that they have more in common with the outlaws than they dare admit. The screenplay, Robber's Roost, by daughter Katharine Booth Goodson, inspired Guyanne Booth to further explore the rich depths of the characters in this book of the same name. For more than 10 years, this mother/daughter writing team has lived with these memorable characters such as Parson, who solemnly misquotes Biblical references for all situations; Bates, the haunting stalker trying to collect a bounty on Larken; and orphan Lela, who startles every man she meets with the question: Were you in Fort Worth in January 1856?
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    • May-2008
    • Brown Books Publishing Group
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1934812021
    • ISBN13: 9781934812020

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