Cut Nose
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    19th Century American West
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Captain Will Nilsson's journey to the War of the Rebellion is deferred by the President of the United States so he can be the administration's eyes and ears on the ground of what would later be referred to as the Dakota War of 1862. Little did Will know this would make him a witness to countless horrific deaths on both sides of the conflict and, ultimately, to the largest mass execution in United States history.Amidst the chaos, Will's life intersects with the Dakota warrior called Cut Nose, so named after having part of his nose bitten off in a fight, and Anja Lund, a young schoolteacher whose spirit is unyielding despite heartbreak at every turn. As the stakes grow increasingly higher, these three form powerful and mysterious connections with each other, intertwining their fates through both love and war.Featuring heart-stopping battles, intrigue, and romance, Cut Nose will keep readers electrified until the last page.
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    • May-2019
    • Uplands Press
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1943421390
    • ISBN13: 9781943421398

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